Sunday, March 31, 2024

The Myth of Sisyphus by Camus

Although Camus rejected the label of an Existentialist philosopher, it makes sense to read him within this philosophical tradition. His exploration of existential themes resonates with the core tenets of existentialism. In “The Myth of Sisyphus,” Camus poses the fundamental question: Is life worth living in a world devoid of any inherent order or meaning? (The short answer: yes.) Camus contemplations make us to confront the absurdity of existence, where the struggle for purpose persists despite the universe’s indifference. 

The following first paragraph from the book is such a great opening...

"There is but one truly serious philosophical problem, and that is suicide. Judging whether life is or is not worth living amounts to answering the fundamental question of philosophy. All the rest— whether or not the world has three dimensions, whether the mind has nine or twelve categories—comes afterwards. These are games; one must first answer. And if it is true, as Nietzsche claims, that a philosopher, to deserve our respect, must preach by example, you can appreciate the importance of that reply, for it will precede the definitive act. These are facts the heart can feel; yet they call for careful study before they become clear to the intellect"