Wednesday, December 12, 2012

This was the poem I wrote when I was in 10th Grade. It was first published in VOX Teen Newspaper. 

Story begun with a lonely soul
With the bruises on mind 
Tears on eye
Watching those lonely soul
Who are begging for Human Right
How could I criticize myself wearing fine attire
I can’t hold myself nor
I can suffer like the victims Of 911
For those who are looking for justice,
Let us not call Luther Nor
Read Greek philosophy
But it’s time to hold the world together
So, let us beg for help
Joining this hands
For New Liberty and
For the Soul of Humanity

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Beautiful Cloud designed by me. A spiritual thought is the essence of human life. As Gautam Buddha once said, “Just as a candle cannot burn without fire, men cannot live without a spiritual life." We need spiritual power to understand our world and world beyond us. 

Saturday, November 24, 2012

I die twice before my absolute annihilation
Ones by heart disease which is
Cruel, harsh and puzzling
A second event to me,
So huge, so brutal to think
As it twice shoot me like a cruel huntsman
As I know of life
Living and death is all we knows of hell we are living in
Haven is already predetermined by our karma of hell

                                                                                                 LILA SIWAKOTI
                                                                                   DATE : 04/06/12